What the heart remembers and has once known, shall then Never be Forgotten.

You were born original, don’t die a copy.

This book and resource is a pragmatic tool providing the strength and beauty of the human spirit through a selfless and compassionate act, in harmony with your final wishes etched in memoriam for future generations.

It is never too early, or too soon to think about, make logical decisions and prepare for our life’s last and ultimate adventure with time and dignity. It relieves your family of all the guess work during an emotionally charged time, whilst alleviating any risk of family and loved ones disagreeing on your preferences. It is the ultimate compassionate act providing you with absolute peace of mind!

Whilst not a legal document, this authentic celebration of your life will reflect everything you want and equally important, nothing you don’t. It is designed to assist you in the many critical areas which research and history has proven, may go wrong if not specified when planning your final departure.

“This book is a must have resource for anyone seeking ever-lasting comfort for themselves and their loved ones. All your options are now at your fingertips to make informed decisions and plan ahead with strength, grace and courage.”

Bernie Murchison, (former) Dean of Science, The Queensland University of Technology.

“Michelle displays exceptional intelligence, highlighted in this very practical guide to articulate your final farewell. A compassionate act relieving the burden for your family to make challenging decisions during a time of sorrow and bereavement.”

Professor Lawrie Powell, AC MD PhD FRCP FRACP, Professor Emeritus of Medicine & Senior Research Fellow, the Queensland Institute of Medical Research-QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

“Michelle is always prepared to put all her energy and focus towards helping others without ever seeming to worry about what she personally gains from it. In today’s world this quality is rare.”

Steven Bradbury Australia’s Olympic Medalist.

Michelle Lagana’s inspiration was a result of saving children’s lives launching world-first cancer trials supported by the World Health Organisation. Through this journey she recognised dignity should be afforded to everyone by being remembered their way. First impressions as well as final impressions matter, reflected through your truth.